GTX 1060 6gb + I7-7700 @ 3.60GHz

Played around with quite a few more times than shown here, but these were the final best results. There were quite a few more CPU tests, but they all had horrible results that weren’t even worth comparing. GPU renders roughly 2-3 times faster.

CPU: Intel i7-7700 Quad-core @ 3.60GHz
GPU: nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6gb
OS: Windows 10 ver 1709

01:44.32 tile: 128x
01:23.38 tile: 256x
01:19.31 tile: 384x
01:19.56 tile: 480x270
03:03.48 tile: 64x
03:01.34 tile: 32x

Out of curiosity, I ran the render at 100% dimensions for the best tiles sizes of both GPU and CPU (384x and 32x, respectively). The results were:

GPU: 05:38.88
CPU: 12:23.05

As an additional note, both renders put a heavy drag on my computer, so doing other things while they ran was a bit difficult, but the CPU render put my computer in a near stand-still. Choppy visuals and dysfunctional videos are better than the entire computer becoming useless.

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