Grey rabbit w/hair test

Here’s what I got.


Wow this is starting to look great man!
Can’t wait to see with the eyes :smile:

One thing I noticed though. The tail of the rabbits is upwards following their backs. Fixing this will help you with the hairs there when you comb the particles.

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Thanks! I’m happy you like it =D

And thank you for noticing! I forgot about that because I was treating this rabbit more like a rat. I was only going by its anatomical structure without actually noticing where it should go! A total oversight. I’m glad you caught it! I got too into just making it “realistic”.

I will fix it now! Very embarrassing. You’re a life saver! :slight_smile:


Fixed! And it looks great. Thank you, once more. I’m very happy with the results. It turns out I just needed to puff the hairs out to make it work.

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