Great course so far! I'm having a blast!

This is my first time doing any sculpting, and I’m learning so much! I really appreciate Grant and the team for all of their hard work. Here’s my progress so far. I’ll need to do more studies on anatomy in the future to get the hands, feet, and trunk right, but for now I’m happy to move on to the next stage and learn more about the overall process :grin:

I decided to take the idea of giving the character an asymmetric horn a little further by adding battle damage all across that side: his arm has a slash on it, which has damaged the muscle and has left him unable to use it, so I’ve tried to atrophy that arm. I’ve also added burn scars to his chest and have deformed the breast to match.

I’ve made his belly hang a bit lower, because I’m going to put the belt across his waist once I get to that stage; the belly will hang under the belt and below the waist, as if he’s trying to hide it. Lot’s of story stuff :sweat_smile:


Very nice indeed.

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That’s really good especially for your first time sculpting!

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Nice work on the finer details!

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