Grant Abbitt Environment Course Cube not rounded


I wanted to ask if anyone ran into a similar situation while following Grant Abbitts Course " Blender Environment Artist: Create Your Own 3D Game Worlds" :

I’m currently at chapter 4.2 Sculpting Rocks. And when he remeshes a normal cube with a voxel size of 0.1, his cube has some rounded look while my cube is still perfectly sharp edged ^^’.

It’s not a big deal but i would love to find out why it’s like that :slight_smile: .
I’d appreciate any feedback (pictures attached below)

Thanks in advance and have a nice day! <3

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Im not following that course, but is it not just a bevel modifer added to the cube to give it that effect!

Look on the details panel on the right. Click on the little Blue Wrench/Spanner(Modifier Properites) - Bevel. Adjust to your desired look, this will round out the corners for you.


I also thought that it might be a bevel modifier, but he is just changing the voxel size and then remeshing. There is also no cut in the video at that point where you could guess he might have done something else.^^’

In the end, it didn’t stop me from continuing to follow the tutorial, but thank you for the suggestion!
Maybe I’ll find out what it was:)

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When was it in the video?
If it was remeshed that may well have done it.


I tried and this seems to happen depending on whether the mesh size fits an exact number of times in the cube dimensions or not. If it does not, the edges end up a bit rounded.


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