Got it to work

            case 1:
                int index = Random.Range(0, level1Passwords.Length);
                password = level1Passwords[index];
            case 2:
                index = Random.Range(0, level2Passwords.Length);
                password = level2Passwords[index];

Ran into a bit of confusion with index already being defined but didn’t want to make a new variable for each of the difficulties as I thought it could get a little messy. Solved my issue by just putting in index without int behind it so it’s not being defined again. Fun challenge overall.

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Hi Lemint,

It would be best to declare the variable outside of those cases, currently, it’s only declared within case 1, but then used without being declared in case 2.


int index;  // declared outside of switch cases

    case 1:
	    index = Random.Range(0, level1Passwords.Length);
	    password = level1Passwords[index];
    case 2:
	    index = Random.Range(0, level2Passwords.Length);
	    password = level2Passwords[index];

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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