Got a job because of the Programming section assignment et al

(Not sure if it’s ok to post here if I haven’t had a chance to take the cert exam yet.)
I had two days of interviews at a game company a couple weeks ago (one of my top 2 dream companies). Their interest in me felt a bit lukewarm until I mentioned being more than halfway through this Unity Cert course on Udemy. I said that I had taken the assignment we were given in the Programming section and really went to town on it, using everything I had learned in the course up to that point. I also showed them that I had checked in the code to GitHub, updated it with bug fixes, posted the game on, and made a quick demo video on YouTube – all skills/experience that played into their job requirements. They had already used and liked user manuals that I had written for another company, but they warmed up a LOT after I showed them my mini-game.
I got the gig, and for the rate that I asked for. I might’ve, maybe gotten the gig based on the other user manuals and code samples in my portfolio, but I doubt they would’ve accepted my asking rate.
Ben and Sam and team, thank you so much!!!

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Firstly, definitely okay to post here!

What an awesome story! I’m so glad to hear you got your dream job, this is amazing. I suppose we can’t see the assignment that won you the job?

You bet, it’s the one from Section 8 Programming. My video is at In the description, I put links to my source code on GitHub, and the game on, which I think was your suggestion, so THANK YOU!

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