Goliath (Extra Modeling Challenge)

This is my 2nd of the 3 extra modeling challenges. Actually, I’m going to count this as both 2 and 3 since it took so damn long. Haha.

It’s a Goliath from Starcraft. For those of you unfamiliar with Starcraft, a Goliath is a badass mech.


so damn long.

How long?

It’s a Goliath from Starcraft. For those of you unfamiliar with Starcraft, a Goliath is a badass mech.

I can tell by the looks :smile:

Hmm… worked on it all morning before leaving for work, and then for quite a bit of time in the evening (lost track of time), so probably comes out to like 3 or 4 hours. Definitely got inspired for this assignment after seeing that people were going way beyond the simple 2-piece object that the task asked for :slight_smile:

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Yeah, creativity thrives in S02, it’s a shame there is no much of that further through the course.

This is an amazing result of applying many simple concepts to create something you like. Loved it! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Thanks, that’s encouraging to hear!

really cool, i like the guns and missiles, when we learn about textures it would be cool to come back here and see it with colors and differents kinds of lights.

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Thanks! Yeah I’m pretty excited to learn about the texturing… I think this model will be pretty well-suited for practicing :slight_smile:

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Yeah I would also like to see it with textures ! Great work :slight_smile:

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So cool!
Seeing others make something bad-ass is the best part for doing the challenge.

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