Godot scenes create some version-control unfriendly changes

It seems like if I touch a scene in the editor at all, it winds up generating a bunch of little differences that weren’t intentional changes and shouldn’t really matter. Things like changing
[sub_resource type=“OccluderPolygon2D” id=4]
[sub_resource type=“OccluderPolygon2D” id=5]

-[node name=“Door” type=“Area2D”]
+[node name=“Door” type=“Area2D” index=“0”]

These are kind of annoying because they clutter my commits with changes that aren’t relevant to what I actually meant to change. Often these are in files that I didn’t even directly modify, except maybe to open them in the editor to see what was going on in other script.

Not sure if anyone has any better solution to avoid these non-change changes from occurring.

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