Godot -- Copy/Paste Keyframes on Mac

In Godot 4 C# Action Adventure: Build your own 2.5D RPG, in the “Adding Player Animations” video, it says that you can do command-c, command-v to copy keyframes on a Mac, but I don’t think that works. It seems like you have to put the bar on the first keyframe, hit command+c, move the bar to the new position, then go back to the first keyframe, right-click and choose “duplicate.”

Edit: I think I might have misheard it, and it’s actually supposed to be command-d, not command-v.

In case anyone else gets stuck there, that worked for me.

thanks for this update about mac I believe its the same on windows (or at least it is for me)

Getting a little further in the course, I think I might have misheard it, and it’s actually supposed to be command-d, not command-v.

I heard command-c, command-v because they sound similar, and my brain expected a “v” there (meaning “paste”).

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