Godot - "Complete Godot 2D" - Root node transform vs spite/collision transform

Hi I just finished the full godot course and it was fantastic. I hope Kaan comes back to do more.
I’ve also finished a 2d course in unity.

In the godot course, he makes a 2d node, then a child of that node is the sprite node / collision node. In each video he seems to move the children transforms upwards and leaves the parent node.

However in your unity course, you say moving children objects is bad and to try and always move the root object instead.

Isn’t having your sprite node -14 on the Y axis in transform and having to do that for other nodes bad practice and can give you headaches in the future? Shouldn’t children nodes be at their origin when possible?

It was the difference between the unity course and the godot course that caught my eye.

Thank you.

Hi Cruiseman, and welcome to the community :wave:

was that in a specific lecture?

generally, if you are instancing say a player. you would want the root transform/node of that scene to be at 0,0. makes it alot easier for instantiating.

when were building say the player, if there are child nodes that need to have their position changed, like the particles to fit in with the scene, then that would be ok as their position will always be relative to the parent, which is also relative to the scene root.

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