Godot + C# 2.5D RPG course uses Sprite3D + AnimationPlayer vs AnimatedSprite3D?

In the course “Godot 4 C# Action Adventure: Build your own 2.5D RPG” the instructor tells you to make a Sprite3D and an AnimationPlayer, then use the AnimationPlayer to change the texture of the sprite. This involves setting a key frame for each frame of each animation and setting the texture to the appropriate image for that frame. It’s a lot of manual stuff.

I was able to achieve the same thing (I think!) in seconds with an AnimatedSprite3D, which automatically detected and associated the frames. Is this just a case of the course doing it the “old” way, or is there a technical reason you wouldn’t want to use the AnimatedSprite3D?

Hey John,
while the animated sprite 3d has its uses, the animation player in godot is much more powerful and has a lot more functionality in it. But if it works for your usecase then I say absolutely go for it. with the animationPlayer you can modify every single aspect of the components attached.


Hi @FossRyan and thanks for the response

So it sounds like the AnimatedSprite3D gives generally reasonable defaults with minimal effort, but the AnimationPlayer gives more control for when that’s required - that’s good to know. As far as I can tell the way AnimationPlayer is used in the course is pretty close to the behaviour of AnimatedSprite3D so the sprite seems like the way to go in this project.

Thanks again


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