Godot 4 C# Action Adventure - Sprite animation weirdness

Hi there I am busy going through the Godot 4 C# Action Adventure, but I have noticed that while the instructors animations seem pretty smooth and fast, mine seem a bit janky and slow in comparison, I have also noticed transitioning between states has a weird janky feel.

I am using godot 4.2 and have made sure to follow the instructor exactly, the only way I can get mine as fast and smooth as the instructors in his recordings seems to be increasing the animation speed scale on the animation player but this seems incorrect.


notice the speed of animation seems to be slower than the instructors.

Also notice the jank between state changes is this just due to them being different FPS?

That’s really helpful to know, as is the gif you added. Based on those, try combing over this and see if anything helps:

I had a similar problem in a personal project; the roughness was physics-based instead of animation playback, but based on your results, to me this still looks most like input lag as defined on that page.

I’m also going to move this into Ask so that it hopefully gets a bit more visibility, just in case others have something to add.

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