Goblin's Escape - My version of Project Boost

Again, instead of moving fast forward with the course I’ve stayed on the one assignment and tried to make it good. Here you can see the result:


Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated. Especially the fun and the difficulty of the levels. Which levels are fun, and which aren’t? Which are too difficult and which are too easy?

Most of all, I hope you’ll enjoy it a bit :] Cheers to you all :]


Wow you have put lots of effort in to this, you even have a story.
I gave up on the flying books level, but only because I have to get back to work!
The level before with the sloping shelf, is hard to see what happens at the top you have to basically guess that bit (before you turn back to the left).
I wish the boost was more powerful and the rotating less jerky. But it was addictive and I really enjoyed it.
Great job :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your feedback. Glad you like it :]

If the sloping shelf obscuring the screen is annoying I can change that. It was supposed to work as an additional moment of difficulty, but if it’s annoying than it will go.

I can experiment with controls a bit and see if I can get something more fluid. The problem I had with fluid rotation was that it was too slow, and you couldn’t do fast breaks (that you need at later stages of the game).

Great work.The theme, sound and visuals are really well executed.

I found the turning controls a bit challenging and made the 4th level with the sloping rafters(?) a little too difficult. After 10 attempts I threw in the towel.

Still it is a really good game. Exceptionally good for this point of the course. Looking forward to what you come up with next.

Thank you for checking the game and for the feedback. Nice to hear you liked it :]

That’s 2/2 responses saying the controls are clunky now. It seems I really will have to tweak them somehow.

I’m jumping between 2D and 3D courses, so right now I’m working on my version of Block Breaker, and will probably also do Laser Defender before taking on the challenge of Argon Assault from 3D. ]

That is hilarious.

Well done. I love the visuals and the portal. Great work.

The controls are a little tough I thought. Maybe I have to get use to it. The cry when the goblin dies is a little annoying I find. But each there own.

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