Globe for videogame @ Global Game Jam

Since the example used in this section was a model of Earth, I wanted to share with you a globe I made for the videogame my team created at this year’s Global Game Jam, made before getting to this lecture.
This model is not a whole UV sphere, but is actually a UV sphere divided in 8 parts because it was one of the enigmas you had to solve in the game, basically it’s a “Rubik’s Sphere”. The most challenging part was the UV mapping because I had to do the it for each part of the sphere separately, making sure the texture was aligned with the ones of the other parts. I found it very difficult because I had never done that before and I was the only 3D artist in the team; surely watching this lecture before would have save me a lot of time!


Here is a wireframe view of the globe, I made it hollow inside because we added a key you obtain once you solve the enigma.

You can see the divisions better here in this screenshot from Unity, hope you like it!



Smooth shading may works little better)
Your model have enougth polygons for nice and shiny surface, of course with smooth and sharp edges

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Yeah I try that but it was looking weird around the edges that separate each part (you can see it in the picture below) so I chose flat shading to make it look whole, I wasn’t really a fan of smooth shading this time, and I had little time to adjust it :joy:
I actually didn’t think about adding sharp edges at that time so thank you, I’ll keep that in mind for the future! :smile:


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