GlitchGarden 3D made in C++

Here is my third project from my personal challenge: the Unity 2D Course made in Unreal C++. It is the Glitch Garden made in 3D, so I had a lot of problems with the animals walking one on each other. This project had a lot of “strange problems” from the blueprint part, but it seems to work well enough now.

A special THANK YOU to Dan, Mikapo and all who helped me in the Discord channel.

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Phenomenal job! Was it hard to do?

It was not easy, but I learned a lot. The most difficult part was blocking the advance of the animal when there were other animals in front of it, so the animal didn’t walk over other one.

I learned that I need some more knowledge about designing a game, because the design of the 2D course didn’t work for a 3D game.

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