Glitch garden early concepts

I’ve been trying to get all the artwork finished before I begin the coding/unity side of the course - i’m a bit behind with getting this finished so, thought i’d drop some screenshots for feedback until i get the time.

Was going for a hell in a toyshop theme with possessed toys and will be creating store staff as defenders hiding in bargain bins and using boxes as barricades.

Struggling for a name, so any suggestions would be great! Likewise any other feedback would be much appreciated :slight_smile:


Nice artwork!

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Really, really great artwork. Already looks polished so getting the code behind it will make it a marketable game!

How about Toy Shop of Terror or something like that?

Either way, sterling work!

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I’m loving the artwork, looks cute and scary

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thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks! :smiley:

I think Toy Shop of Terror may be a goer! Cheers

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Thanks buddy, exactly what I’m going for :smiley:

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