Glitch Garden Defenders

Hey everyone!

This one follows pretty closely what Rick did but I made some changes like adding a quick little tutorial at the beginning and adding some sounds to losing a life or not having enough money!

Hope you enjoy!


Great job!

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I have some feedback if you’re looking for some.

First, I think the implementation of the tutorial was a bit lackluster. There was so much text to read and as a player that has never played a game like this, I would have a hard time trying to remember everything. Short quick and to the point text is better than longer explanations. Also you had all the instructions on screen at the same time which felt like a flood of information. I’ve done user testing with web based tutorials like this and in every one of those test, users opted out of doing the tutorial. I think little pop-ups when the information is relevant would be a lot better.

Also, I didn’t finish the game because it was incredibly hard. I tried it at the easiest difficulty and I couldn’t get past even the first level without dying twice. The difficult was a bit of an issue but other than that, I think the game was solid just tune down the difficulty a lot.


I agree with @HenRMJ about the difficulty.

It seems like there’s only one right way to start each level, by figuring that out then the whole level solves itself, this makes your game feel quite unfair and difficult but boring at the same time.

The pacing also feels quite extreme, there’s no breathing room before the enemies start attacking, yet I can’t build anything because there’s little to no resources to do so.

I wasn’t able to solve any level without losing lives, this sort of games are all about strategy and when the game forces me to always makes a “sacrifice” it doesn’t feel like a victory at all, making me lose interest in playing the game further.

The game works fine code-wise, nicely done, you could have done some minor improvements like deactivating the controls after finishing a level so the player can’t keep placing units and some other minor things, but overall you did great on that department.

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This is awesome, I love the playful font

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