Glass Shader

As it is a glass shader, I made a glass. To help see the tramsmissive nature of the glass I put a spherical ice cube into it.


Nice! Fun idea to show glass on glass. Makes the refraction even cooler :smiley:

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Now I want to make glass with water and ice cubes :thinking:

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To do that I have a couple of recommendations.

  1. Change the color on the glass shader to pure white (#FFFFFF). This one is 80 on brightness so you can see the “ice” is really dark because the gray glass on top of the gray ice cube
  2. Make a “normal” ice cube mesh. Not everyone has a craft ice cube maker like I do :wink:
  3. Make a different shader for the ice cube. Back when I did the chess set, I made a frosted glass shader for the dark pieces while keeping it clear for the white pieces. It won’t be completely accurate. But something procedural that we learn later in this course may fix that.

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