Gizmo button in Scene toolbar missing

So I noticed that there is no ‘Gizmo’ button on my Scenes toolbar for me to turn off the selection outlines of the particle effects. Picture added below for reference.

The same button however IS present in the Game window, however it is only for the GIzmos in the Game window and I can’t use it for the Gizmos in the Scene window.

I tried changing back the window layouts to Default and that didnt bring back the Gizmo button on the Scene window. Any way to fix this? I’m using Unity 2021.2.3f1 version

[SOLVED] Edit, I just found out that this button was actually the Gizmo menu, I was confused since it didnt look the same (as in, it wasnt called ‘Gizmo’ as it was in the Game window). Not sure why that is, but oh well!


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