GitLab repo for Classy Clash produces terminal build task error

This repo for Classy Clash once downloaded and opened with VSCode at the time of posting this causes the following message to pop up when you click Terminal > Run Build Task:

“The terminal process failed to launch: Path to shell executable “C:\raylib\mingw\bin\mingw32-make.exe” does not exist.”

It’s possibly just an out-of-date repo. I’m not technically minded enough to know how to fix this even after several hours of searching, and the online solutions I found don’t even work, that includes PATH changes in environmental variable, various software reinstalls, etc. Anyone who knows a permanent fix feel free to post here or make a new thread.

I got around this by picking out the .cpp and .h files I needed in order to quickly resume my own Classy Clash project in a new workspace. The course constructor might want to look into why this terminal process error crops up though.

~ Maezumo

We’ll get that fixed (Darn, thought I got them all). Newer versions of Raylib changed the path for some aspects that we use that requires modifications to a few files.

The quickest workaround in the meantime is to take the code files from that repo and copy into our template project, which is currently up-to-date

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