Getting used to GitKraken

I am doing this course with GitKraken and this is the first time doing git, github, source control etc…I’m on Linux so its a bit difficult, but gladly I have been able to follow along.

So I just wanted to explain my first branching tests:
This is my ‘history’

I started with ‘master’

Then branched a pt-snowman and did 4 commits, the final commit (3 grey cubes) being after doing all the other branches for added confusion.

The second branch I did was pt-factory. During this I made a prefab of prefabs for smoke stacks and deleted the first prefab (hence my red text error in all the remaining unity pics…

The 3rd branch I did was pt-squareonskis, I changed some material names and colours and added googly eyes

Conclusion: I will definitely need to use version control as I do crazy stuff all the time. Also, I gave it a good test thrashing by removing referenced prefabs, then remaking new ones with the same filename in a different branch…and surprisingly it did not cause a meltdown.

Good course to do for sure. Having fun, thanks!


My man, I’ve been there and I know how you feel. I’m a Linux user, too. I use Pop!OS.

I tried using GitKraken for a while and kinda got used to it, but then I figured out that I can do everything through VS Code and I don’t need GitKraken at all.

First, let me say that it took me a while to learn git, and I’m still not an expert…but I gave up on GitKraken because I can do it all through VS Code and Terminal.

To do this, you’ll want to make sure your login and password are set up the config files. You probably have that done already.

This is a generic new project:

Create a script of some sort (something to click on and open VS Code).

From here you can Initialize or Publish

Don’t forget to add a .gitignore file

Here I clicked on 'Initialize repo. I can now make a commit message and click the check mark to push:

Now I’ve clicked the check box:

Now I’ve clicked ‘Publish Branch’ and I get a choice for a public or a private repo. If your config files aren’t set up at this point, VS Code won’t know where to push to. If they are set up, you should see it automatically:

Successfully published…do you want to open and check?

Final result:

You can also do all of your branching and other commands through the VS Code terminal or the regular terminal. I can’t screen grab the drop-down menu, but click on the three dots next to ‘Source Control’ to open other menus for pushing, pulling, mergine, branching, etc…

GitKraken is too confusing. You don’t need it for this course. I hope this helps.


Thank you for the info, I am going okay with Kraken at the moment, but it’s nice to have another option later, especially one more tied to the git terminal command version. Thank again.

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