Getting there!

So I was having a lot of difficulty understanding the C# coding that was being taught. To remedy that I went and took Rob Percivel’s Complete Web Developer Course.

Inside that course there was a huge section on PHP that taught a lot of Object Oriented Programming, which also is what C# is, by doing that course it has really helped me learn what I am doing, and what I am writing in C#.

Another course I took was the Complete Blender Course, now I am taking a break on that at the Game Assets section of the course, because my main focus is to learn Game Development, however do expect me to whip up a complete bowling alley to fit this game, as well as custom bowling balls, pins, sliders, ect.

Now I am back in the course, fully understanding whats going on and really enjoying it. Blew out half of the Bowlmaster course all in one sitting, and plan on finishing the rest within the week (Work has to come first unfortunately)

Here is a small screenshot of the progress so far, and I look forward to grinding on!

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