Getting harder to follow, feels like context is missing

I’ve been following along until that point, things mostly made sense so far. I’ve completed the other Godot courses without struggling too much with the concepts.
But for this one, I must admit that I have the feeling of following along without understanding the concept and really understanding why we are doing what we are doing.
It feels like it’s missing some context, some initial explanations as to what we are going to achieve and how. I also feel like it’s hard to know what we are creating vs what is already in engine and ready for us to use.

Maybe I’m the only one feeling that way? Just wanted to make sure to give some feedback and see what others are thinking.


I agree with the critique.
The whole reason to pay for this course was specifically for the multiplayer part, yet it’s the part that is the least explained when doing the lecture.

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I also agree. Wish they had some visuals to see whats going on inside the code. Rather than just tell us we use this, and this, but why? Il need to read the documentation for godot later one when I wanna mess with this. Since this is a local multiplayer, I want to make a game to connect with friends from other IP that arent local/ using the same router.

Anyone following along in c#? I am wondering how these preloaded classes work when used in c#, as you cannot access Lobby straight from anywhere, especially since it’s not static

The lobby object this way gets loaded into the tree on runtime, thus you can use it from any class with something like:

    private void HostButtonNode_Pressed()
        var lobby = GetTree().Root.GetChild<Lobby>(0);
        if(lobby != null)
            GD.Print("Found the lobby, creating game.");

also source:

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