Here is a shot of the error
Here is the rest of my code, please help!
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Block : MonoBehaviour
// config params
[SerializeField] AudioClip breakSound; // add field to ball inspector to add the clip to play
[SerializeField] GameObject blockSparklesVFX;
[SerializeField] int maxHits;
[SerializeField] Sprite hitSprites;
// Cached reference
Level level;
// state variables
[SerializeField] int timesHit; // TODO only serialzed for debug purposes
private void Start() // this runs once on game run
private void CountBreakableBlocks()
level = FindObjectOfType<Level>(); // finds and loads the class "level" to make it accessible to the block class and instantiates an instance of class level to variable level
if (tag == "Breakable")
level.CountBlocks(); // call the function in the level class and increments the block count. So each block counts it's self.
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) // OnCollistionEnter2D class of the collider runs when a object collision happens
if (tag == "Breakable")
private void HandleHit()
if (timesHit >= maxHits)
private static void ShowNextHitSprite()
int spriteIndex = timesHit - 1;
GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = hitSprites[spriteIndex];
private void DestoryBlock()
Destroy(gameObject); // the destroy object has to be placed before the audiosource.playclipatpoint method or it destory won't work
// breakSound is the audio clip to play. Camera.main.transform.position is
// where the camera is Position in world space from which sound originates.
private static void PlayBlockDestroySFX()
//AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(breakSound, Camera.main.transform.position); // Camera.main.transform.position is used because of the audio listner
private void TriggerSparklesVFX()
GameObject sparkles = Instantiate(blockSparklesVFX, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Destroy(sparkles, 1f);