Getting error for the Set Percent in progress bar widget

I am not sure why it is giving the following error, if anyone can help out it would be awesome thank you.

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Player BP”. Node: Set Percent Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Sensor Rotative Blueprint: BP_Sensor_Rotative

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None”. Node: Set Percent Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Sensor Rotative Blueprint: BP_Sensor_Rotative

Hi and welcome to the community.
This happens because the widget is created before the player and as a result when the Blueprint executes, it cannot get the player.

A simple call to is valid before doing anything in the Blueprint solves this issue. Note there is a executable version and a pure version. It is the executable one you wish to use and continue from its is valid pin.

Hi, editing the reply message, I did what you have suggested and it does not recognize the player somehow, I am not sure how to fix it, just by placing is valid I was only able to print out a message if it did not detect player, and I have deleted this part of the lesson and redid it by watching again, everything looks correct, it still is not working, would it be possible if you could provide a more specific answer.

Thank you

I can’t really give you a specific answer. What you have there is exactly as I have it and in the course and I get no errors when I test it.

The only reason this would fail is A, the player is being looked for by the sensor before the player is created or B, the player start it is missing from the level.

Which version of Unreal did you use when following the course. We’ve noted a number of breaking changes in 5.3 over 5.2, one of which comes up later in this course. I’m not saying this is an issue but it could easily be.

I am using 5.3.2, In the beginning of the course it is noted that I should use the same version of unreal, but since I already had it downloaded, I did not want to install again, therefore I went ahead with what I had, I am sure there is a simple way to fix it, I will leave it without the widget for now, it works fine without, after I complete the course I will try some alternate ways to figure it out.

thanks tho, I appreciate it.

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