Gettber Better with C# and Scripting


I need to ask a question that maybe has been answered many times. I would really like to get better with Scripting and C# in general as part of my learning path. But I find reading the API for unity to very hard.

I can’t find what I am looking for 9/10 because I don’t know what the methods are called to start with.

I am busy with the courses on Udemy and typing along but I want to get to a point where I can solo something.

Longs story short, How do I get better at scripting and understanding the API ?

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Hi! Welcome to the community!

The same way you get better at anything, practice.

Let me ask you, you said you want to get to a point where you can solo something, Have you tried it? If you haven’t then, How do you know you can´t? If you have tried it then, What do think you are lacking?

If you haven’t tried doing something on your own, I highly suggest you do, don’t do your dream game, do something small, like a Megaman Clone with just 1 level and 1 boss fight, maybe add 4 different types of weapons, and please, do not google “How to make a Megaman clone in Unity”, because you’ll find an answer and you’ll end up doing the same thing, copying someone’s code instead of writing it on your own, just go out there and create small games on your own, don’t expect them to be huge or amazing, just do things, and see where you are and what can you do with your current knowledge.

Maybe this will inspire you, when I started my game dev journey I took Unity’s official tutorials, they were like an hour-long, and there were like 4 or 5 of them, that was more than enough to build my very first game, you don’t need to know what a generic C# is for, or what polymorphism is all about, or about coding patterns, you don’t need any of that, you just need to start creating things on your own, that’s it. Don’t get me wrong, the more knowledge the better, but knowledge by itself is useless if you don’t put it into practice.

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Thank you.

I have not tried to do anything outside of the courses the team at Game dev. I have many idea’s for a game I want to build but my main block seems to be the the Unity API and what feature/function does what.

I think I need to pick one thing as you said and see if I can do it. For example get a grid move system going

Thank you for taking the time to respond

Hi Andries,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

As Yee wrote you need practice. Unfortunately, there seem to be different Unity APIs with different layouts which makes looking for information challenging.

If you feel overwhelmed by the C# side and/or the API, and if you are interested in a free C# course, I can recommend Bob Tabor’s. Sometimes, it is helpful to take a break, do something else and come back.

In our courses, you will learn about the most important methods that you will also need in your own games. After you completed, for example, our Unity 2D course and/or Unity 3D course (the ones for beginners), you’ll very likely notice that we used the same few things over and over again to make different games in which we solve different problems.

Furthermore, try to develop good research skills. Programmers are not born with knowledge. Learn how to find relevant information if you don’t know what exactly you are looking for. Since there are thousands of people out there who might have had the same problem as you, try to use the same keywords to find answers. If you don’t know a method name, look for the problem you’d like to solve.

This might also be interesting to get a general idea of how Unity works:

Good luck and Happy Coding! :slight_smile:

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Hi Nina

Thank you for this and the support you give to students and the community.

My C# is not bad as I have done some C++ and Python. My biggest challenge is the methods used by Unity. I am doing the 3D course ( and I have left you more than 1 question ) so maybe some patience is in order and as you said " good old google"

In that case, I would recommend to take a look at the linked doc. The most important Unity methods are listed in the diagram. It might also be a good idea to check the MonoBehaviour and Component classes in the API to learn what’s available for you.

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