GeomeTrek - A Confusing Journey Among Shapes (Best Moment)

Feels good to get to this stage. Congrats to everyone else who has made it this far :slight_smile:
I would love to hear what you think!


Very neat use of lighting effects. Have you considered sticking a small, dim point light on the ship as well? Just to make it slightly more clear how near/far away the moving blocks are (without making it too easy, of course). Also, it looks like you either turned gravity off, or adjusted the drag values on the ship? Cool! Looks like it makes it a lot more capable of precision movement.

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Hey thanks for the feedback! Yeah I’m happy with the physics of it but , man, this is a hard game. Can’t even beat it myself haha. There is actually a light on it and it doesn’t seem to help the difficulty lol. I’ll have to address that when it’s time to come back to this project :grin:

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