Generic object pool

I spent a while figuring this out but I think it’s pretty good. I can pool any object by type and it will also organize them in scene hierarchy. Any feedback appreciated.

	public class ObjectPool : MonoBehaviour
		Dictionary<Type, Queue<Component>> pool = new Dictionary<Type, Queue<Component>>();
		Dictionary<Type, Transform> sceneParents = new Dictionary<Type, Transform>();

		public static ObjectPool Instance { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
				Instance = this;

		public T SpawnObject<T>(T prefab, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) where T : Component
			CreatePool(prefab); // creates a new pool of type T if it doesn't exist

			if (pool[typeof(T)].Count <= 0) // if pool empty
				T instance = Instantiate<T>(prefab, position, rotation); = $"{} Clone ({instance.GetInstanceID()})";
				instance.transform.parent = sceneParents[typeof(T)];

			T item = pool[typeof(T)].Dequeue() as T;
			item.transform.position = position;
			item.transform.rotation = rotation;
			return item;

		public void DespawnObject<T>(T item) where T : Component

		private void CreatePool<T>(T item) where T : Component
			if (!pool.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
				pool.Add(typeof(T), new Queue<Component>());
				sceneParents.Add(typeof(T), new GameObject(;
				sceneParents[typeof(T)].parent = this.transform;

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