Generate Overlap Events!

Ahhh. I spent ages trying to get the code work before Mike showed a solution. I couldn’t work out why the object mass was not being registered. A simple tick in the Generate Overlap Box and my code started working.

This is my code for GetTotalMassOfActors(). I am not entirely happy with it because in the Visual Studio editor it says there is a ‘pointer to incomplete class type not allowed’ but it compiles OK and seems to work.

float UOpenDoor::GetTotalMassOfActors() const
	float TotalMass = 0.0f;
	TArray<AActor*> OverlappingActors;
	PressurePlate->GetOverlappingActors(OUT OverlappingActors);

	for (AActor* actor : OverlappingActors)
		TotalMass += (actor->FindComponentByClass<UPrimitiveComponent>())->GetMass();

	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("TotalMass %f "), TotalMass);

	return TotalMass;

Another issue was the mass of the BP_DefaultPawn. - It seems to have 66kg of mass I can’t account for. Originally I set the mass to 70kg but the debug log shows 136kg. So I set the mass to 0 and it still shows a mass of 66kg. Strange …

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