General questions about XCOM type of games

Sorry if these are too off-topic: along all the mechanics in the video, which are very helpful, i was curious to see how does one 1) populate/spawn a roster of soldiers (which in XCOM fashion come with random stats);
2) create a “time system” as in xcom;
Any general tips or links to videos or courses here are appreciated. I don’t need a code, just a general approach. For example my initital idea to 1 would be standard soldier prefabs with scriptable objects for stats.

You’ll need to start with a stat system of some sort. We have such a system in our RPG Course series, though we don’t really start with Random stats there. That being said, it’s not terribly difficult to get a character started with random starting points for the stats.
I would definitely use Scriptable Objects to hold the “recipies” for a unit. It might contain the Unit prefab to spawn, perhaps the Weapon to load (then you could have one Footman prefab, with different weapons based on the SO, etc).

The time system is going to be very similar to our Action Points, but with a far finer resolution. Here’s a good article on the Time system’s functionality. It’s not my favorite way to go, coming from a Final Fantasy Tactics background (with each character having a speed, One move, one action per turn, or you can keep 1/3rd of your CT by only doing one of the two, or 2/3rds by passing).

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Thank you very much for your reply. I have the RPG Course series, i just haven’t finished it but i will check the stats system. Regarding 2, this definitely looks interesting and useful, however, i phrased my question poorly. By “time system” i meant something similar to world time which you can pause or advance until a specific event takes place (your research goal is done or UFO has invaded a country etc). My google research suggested something called a tick system but i am not sure if this is the best solution here.

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