GDD - The Gauntlet

I will be following along closely with the lectures and deviate where I feel comfortable in doing so. My intention is rather than hunger games (which I am a huge fan of), I will be doing something more along the lines of “The Running Man.” The Running Man

Fitting like the hunger games, but when it came out in 1987, it was a glimpse into the future, 2017!

GDD – The Gauntlet


  • You are an unwilling contestant in a sadistic game show
  • Survive as many encounters as possible – arena
  • There are only two exits, death and no one has ever made it to the other
  • You can use force or stealth to pass each arena


  • You can pass an arena undetected
  • If detected, you must clear the arena
  • Checkpoints save when you pass to a new arena
  • Reward at each checkpoint depending on how previous arena was solved
  • If killed, return to the last checkpoint
  • You and enemies fight for the same resources
  • You are scored on how many arenas you survive


  • Arena landscapes
  • Unreal Starter content + Landscape tools
  • 2 guns, and two ammo types, possibly other weapons later
  • A rigged humanoid character we can modify
  • Various sfx, look into purchasing sound pack
  • Everything else!

Potential Technical Challenges:

  • Serialisation when saving
  • Checkpoint system architecture
  • Reward system
  • Smooth networking for co-op play
  • Procedural generation of arenas
  • Creating a new skeletal animation

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