GDD for survival game The Last Hope based on the TestingGrounds section

  • This is the survival, horror styled FPS game (Inspired by The Last of Us)

  • Main Character with a weapon tries to sneak through the grounds to win the Death Match which will consist of the finite number of sections (the player has to be rewarded for hard efforts)

  • The player can stealth or fight with the enemy AIs in each section

  • A character is accompanied by the friend (person or animal) who can fight if they are detected

  • Assets and textures will be used from Marketplace or Internet sources

  • Stealthing through the sections will become harder with each level so that sometimes the player will have no other choice than to fight

  • Background music will be used to add proper emotional directions

  • Companion of the player will probably have health points, meaning the player’s main goal will be not only to survive but to protect the companion

  • If the main character dies player will have an opportunity to play for the companion

  • Possibly added new perks (costumes, weapons other characters) for main character and companion after every successful playthrough

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