GDD - Escape the Tomb


Here’s my layout for a room escape.

To get out, the player must solve the puzzles in the order presented:

1st Puzzle - Tilt the jars. To get into the caged area, the jars must be tilted in specific order.
2nd Puzzle - Bulls and Cows puzzle at the lectern to open the coffin.
3rd Puzzle - Rotate the candlestick, using an arm of the candelabra as a marker, works like a combination lock. This opens the gate & unlocks the door to get out.

Each puzzle unlocks the next so they can’t be accomplished out-of-order.

Thoughts welcome!



Nice one! Keep up the good work and sharing it with other students.

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Thanks Sam. :slight_smile:

Hey Jon,

nice Sketch! What did you make it with?
The Grid Layout is perfect to take it straight into a D&D Campaign! :smiley:

Love the Dark Tomb motive!
You asked for feedback, and the first thing I might question is how you plan on guiding the player to a solution. I wouldn’t know which specific order to tilt the Jars in for instance.

Good Luck with your escape Room look forward to seeing it!

I made the map, of which that is a piece, in Pro Fantasy’s CC3+ (Campaign Cartographer). And, yes, a D&D campaign is what it is part of. :slight_smile: There are four maps & a 85+ page guide for it. I have my group going through it now and they’re loving every minute of the challenge.

The players, in this case, will be guided to a solution via (for the sake of learning here) floor color. The floor under each urn should light up when done in the correct order. On “player error,” the urns return to their initial state and the player must start again (I love the frustration factor of that). I would rather use sound as an indicator (engages the brain further than feeding it color), but that might be beyond the scope of this class.

I’ll get back to this one day - have to start over with configuring my Mac for the class as I am just not around my Windows PC often enough.

Thank you for your reply. :slight_smile:

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