Gather FPS Data

I want to add a Stats menu to my game, including an FPS counter.

I have searched the Unity Documentation, but don’t know how to implement that into my code.

If anyone can help me understand, I would very much appreciate it.

This guy makes one, maybe you understand it then^

Thank you for the video, but do you know how to read the Unity Documentation and implement it?

I cant find anything on that, no idea if thats the right docs.
Maybe someone else knows then.

From what i can see, people do it like this;

    [SerializeField] int FPS;
    float frameRateFloat;

    void Update()
        frameRateFloat = 1.0f / Time.deltaTime;
        FPS = (int)frameRateFloat;

you can count the frames in update and every second display counted frames on ui and start count again.

int frames = 0;
float period = 1f;
float elapsed =0f;
void Update(){
frames ++;
elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
if(elapsed > period)
elapsed =0;
 frames = 0;

Okay, thank you!

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