Hey guys, @ben and @sampattuzzi I don´t know if this is going to be fixed later in the course, but I did it anyways.
I noticed that when we destroy the Tile all the actors stayed there (at least in my game) so that is a lot of memory that is being useless so my solution for this was.
At the Tile.h in the private section i created an array to store the actors that were created in that Tile to destroy them when the Tile is destroy
//Holds the actors created every tile and get destroy when the tile is destroy
TArray<AActor *> Garbage; -
At place actors you can use that place to add the actors
if (Spawned)
Spawned->AttachToActor(this, FAttachmentTransformRules(EAttachmentRule::KeepRelative, false)); -
This is self explanatory
void ATile::EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
if (!ensure(NavMeshBoundsVolume)) { return; }
if (Garbage.Num()!=0)
AActor * Prop;
while (Garbage.Num() != 0)
Prop = Garbage.Pop();
4. At this point you will notice that the guns for the AI wont get destroy I think because we attach them at begin play or something, so at Mannequin you will have to do this
void AMannequin::EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
Hope you find this usefull and tell me if you have something better.