Gamepad support - Message from FUTURE :/

I feel little bit sad and confused after hearing message from future in this lecture that gamepad control will be not controlled later in the course… you should really said that before because that basicaly destroyed all my concept and game desing.

My first idea was create game for PC that will be controlled by WASD or Gamepad because I really like for example Diablo 3 on consoles and I want to do similar. Also my plan was later port my game for iOS and Android so mouse controll is not possible for that. I skiped all the lectures with mouse control specific like raycast etc but now I dont know what to do because I am not sure If I can create combat for gamepad without your help…

So with this problem I have question for all you, do someone have some working scripts for gamepad combat RPG? It would really helped me . Thanks all

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Hi Rastislav,

I appreciate your disappointment with regards to the choice of input device chosen for the RPG, however, don’t despair! Firstly, the RPG course offers much more than just the controls, you will learn a lot from this course and hopefully can get back on track and enjoy it. There are a lot of concepts that you will be able to apply to your game regardless of the player input device. Skipping lectures may not be the best approach, often other things get covered in a lecture which were not necessarily mentioned in the title.

My advice to you would be to continue with the course and accept, for now, that the input device in the course version of the game is via the mouse. Complete the course and be certain you are familiar with the techniques and content that is covered, so that you are in a position to effectively start creating this type of game from the beginning, using the course version as a point of reference as needed but also as a prototype for what you want to create, level design, audio and so on.

Also, take a look at Unity’s documentation regarding Input (link below) and then incorporate this approach for your own design/concept.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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