
Im currently in the crypt raider section of the unreal 5 c++ course.I have created a new game mode and a new bp player class which is a subclass of first person character.What am I supposed to select in the world override game mode Because if I set it to no override or the game mode that I created I can’t move around using the mouse.

If I set the world override to bp first person it works but I need to use my game mode as I need its settings. Just changing the project settings game mode to my game mode doesn’t work.


click into the game mode you created and set your player character as the first person player character.

then set the game mode as world override,

now you will be able to move around again.

I set my player as default pawn class but it doesn’t work.Also can you tell my how to access the unreal documentation for example I want to search for uworld time seconds property but it only shows the forums not the documentation

Could you show your game mode settings please?

I’m not sure what specifically you’re looking for but the documentation for UWorld is here:

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