Unity FAQs

I already have Unity 5, can I start the course with that?

If you stick with Unity 4.6 until BowlMaster, life should be much easier for you.

We upgrade to Unity 5 in Bowlmaster, which is also the first time we actually use Unity 5’s additional features so you won’t miss anything by doing that.

You will find conversion to the latest version of Unity pretty easy and instructions on how to do this are in the early lectures.

If you still want to use Unity 5, you will need to add this code before you try and use rigidBody, and something similar for other properties which can no longer be accessed directly…

private Rigidbody rigidBody;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
rigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();

What are the minimum hardware/software requirements for the course?

The games we produce in Unity are not highly graphics intensive so you should be able to get by with the minimum requirements for Unity:

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10; Mac OS X 10.8+.

Windows XP & Vista are not supported; and server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.

GPU: Graphics card with DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities. Anything made since 2004 should work.

If you are planning to make a game which is more intensive then Unity will be able to support anything up to the most spec’ed out hardware. It will be possible to tailor your games for your hardware capabilities.

How different is Unreal Engine to Unity?

If you’re considering our Unreal Engine Course, you may be wondering how different is it going to be if you are already using Unity 5?

What’s very similar between Unity and Unreal…

  • The concepts of the 3D editor, inspector & hierarchy
  • The general way that objects, cameras and lighting work
  • Engine programming using Start (BeginPlay) and Update (Tick)
What’s quite different…
  • C++ is a more challenging language than C#
  • Unreal’s class system is much more complex and powerful
  • There are many more ways to do the same thing in Unreal.
Overall C++ is still the industry standard game programming language, and Unity is yet to make any AAA games for PC, Mac or Console.

What you’ll learn from the Unreal Course will set you in good stead for your game programming career, regardless of which engine(s) you decide to use for future projects.

What course should I take after Unity?

So you’ve finished our epic Complete Unity Developer course, and are hungry for more. What should you do next?

This depends on your goals, if you want to focus on more advanced development then I suggest the Game Physics course.

If you don’t mind moving to C++ and want a real challenge, check-out our Unreal Course.

If you want to start focusing on VR development, and don’t mind revising the basics, have a look at our Unity VR Course.

For those interested in 3D modelling, our Blender course is the place to go.

You can see all our courses here.


Ben & Sam

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