Game Theme: Goblin's Escape

The Backstory:
You are Morgo, a goblin working for the Evil Wizard Overlord, who wishes to enslave all the mortal races and rule over the world. Unfortunately, while cleaning his secret vault in the Depths of Unspeakable Doom, you’ve broken his special Crystal of Most Powerful Magics which he planned to use in his plan to conquer all who oppose him. It was an accident, but your master is not one to forgive even a slightest misstep, so you shudder to think what will He do when He learns about your transgression. There is only one option for you, if you wish to survive: you have to grab His magic broom (you know how to fly it, but you’re not really good at it) and fly as far away as possible, hoping to avoid His rage. He will surely send minions to stop you and cast terrible spells to block your path, but with a bit of luck you may escape His domain….

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