[Game] The Escape from the Cell - inspired by Changeling the Lost

Hello, I’d like to share with all of you the game I’ve been working on. It is a variation on the Prison game, set in the World of Darkness universe, and especially inspired by Changeling the Lost and Yuriy Norshteyn’s Hedgehog in the Fog.
I have also made a custom game title graphic.
I hope you enjoy it!

Click here to play the game!


Extra credit for a WebGL version? :slight_smile:

Im pretty sure this should work (although it took some experimenting on my part!)

Play the game in a WebGL version!


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Really nice game. I enjoyed playing that. There is some very nice story telling in your game - well done.

Couple of minor things I noticed, you can inspect the door but then in becomes doors.

Some of the states where you can return without performing an action tell you the same thing again, it might be nice if you could add an additional state so that the story isn’t repeating some of the items it has already told, or maybe rephrases them a couple of times so that the repeating isn’t as obviously - inspecting the locker is a good example of this.

Really nice though, and thank you for taking the time to build the WebGL version - harder to play the web player version on the modern browsers these days :slight_smile:

Thank you for the feedback. A friend of mine is currently working on some illustrations which I want to include in the next version of the game, and I will also expand on it a bit (as you’ve said, some descriptions are repetitive).

Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed the game! :smiley:

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Some imagery would be a really good way of enhancing your game, some sound effects or background music could also add to the atmosphere of your story.

If you do an update for this please do share it for us all to see, I would love to see a version of Text101 with the above as often these features are not included. :slight_smile:

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