[GAME] Teach Breaker

Here is my play on the Block Breaker, I work with teachers, so I thought this would be fun. It’s a little on the difficult side, but I plan to come back and polish this once I up my skillz



good sense of humour :smiley: can you explain how did use particle effects like that balloons?

Fun game.

The sprites take a while to disappear, which makes it difficult to tell if the “block” has been broken. It is also hard to tell the difference between 1, 2, and 3 hit “blocks.”

Actually the chat bubbles I cheated on for the time being. Found a really cool simple plugin for $5 on the unity asset store called Speech Bubble Manager it made that part a lot eaasier


Yes, I need to adjust the timing on that or at least make it fade out as the kid says the “I got it” I have some ideas how to differentiate the 1-3 hit students when I move to making a full game. My idea was at the beginning to mimic the fact you don’t know how hard it will be for each student until you try to “teach” them.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hi William
I really liked your concept. I felt like I failed as a teacher to deliver the knowledge, because there is only one try. Would be nice to have more tries.
Also would be nice if you upload few screenshots of how game actually looks like, so you can get more people check your game. It is really interesting concept

May be something like in their notebooks there is a check list, and every time you deliver knowledge, one of the items in the list is checked?

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