Here’s a hair model made with hair cards.
Very nice hair.
Thank you!
That definitely looks game ready, fantastic
Thanks Lochness
I happen to think it’s more than just game ready. I work in a lot of different 3D software, and no I don’t do gaming, but I could use a hair like that for any of my female characters when doing an artistic render.
Nicely done Mark.
Side views are fantastic. Nice hairstyle!
Thanks guys
Nice work! Which course is that?
Thanks my friend!
I don’t believe it’s covered in the courses, it’s been a while since I did any blender courses but they’re being updated all the time so I could mistaken.
I would love to do a course on game-ready hair, both particles and hair cards. In fact, even a full character course would be fantastic. It’s finding the time to do it though around the day job.