Game Plan Advice, Please

I am currently going through the 2.5 D unity turn based course and I have an idea for a game, but I am not sure of the next steps. I would like to make all of the assets for it myself. Since the course uses a 3d background and 2d sprites for the characters, I am thinking I may need to learn Blender and some 2d program. Here are my specific questions:

  1. Should I take the pixel art courses and then progress from there? I want to have nice looking characters, but I am an engineer, not an artist.

  2. The 2d art courses on here use libraspite or gimp. I have read online that Krita is a good choice also. How can I use the courses here and still only have to learn one software package for 2d art? Is that even possible?

  3. Would it be realistic to use Krita and follow along with the pixel art and gimp courses? Is that asking too much for someone who is “art illiterate”?

I am really excited about the idea of making something that is completely mine and would apricate any advice. Thanks in advance.

not to sound negative, but you can’t do everything on your own. My take on this, was I noticed that from the get go and decided to focus solely on the programming first, because everything else can be bought from the internet for my first game, but code just can’t be. It’ll be a whole lot more pricy if my idea was to get someone else to code my game for me, and not to mention the bugs they will cause and extra fees that I just don’t have. I’ll admit, meeting Brian and Bixarrio was just me getting lucky, because the experience I gained from working with them was invaluable, and it eventually lead me to start solving my own problems.

if I can get all the mechanics I want working first, to the point that it’s all just modifying variables from there onwards, then I can work on actually making a game out of whatever I have from that point

My advice, from a much younger engineer? Look at what you have, and stick to one skill if you can, until you get it all done right, because it’ll get insanely hard otherwise. And if you’re anything like me, you’re under time pressure and actually need to make this work ASAP

My approach was simple: throw in all the concept ideas you want into your game (I’ve been working on that for well over a year now, xD), then work on a story that connects them all together.

(And I’m stuck with a ridiculous bug tbh :sweat_smile:)

Just remember this. No matter how hard it gets, NEVER GIVE UP. Every problem has a solution!


You never know what sort of leftover bug will be responsible for you having to deal with a week-long headache because of a misplaced variable

Thanks for the feedback, but my situation is not the same as yours. I am learning game development as a hobby. I want to learn all aspects of game creation, not just one thing to get a job. Also, I am not trying to recreate World of Warcraft on my own. I have been slowly learning complex game programing from the RPG courses for a couple of years now. I have published a small game for a game jam. I am just looking for advice from someone more familiar with the art side of things so I can plan out the next steps in my learning journey.

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you do you my friend, those were just my two cents on the matter :slight_smile:

Although I haven’t done them, they seem to delve a lot into abstract concepts that would be applicable in any program, such as how to go about designing your palette. As a fellow self-classified art-illiterate, those concepts alone would justify taking those courses.

As far as Blender goes, Grant’s beginner course is outstanding and will prepare you well for making practice models of your own. Despite that you have a specific purpose in mind for Blender at the moment, I highly recommend finishing that course entirely, as it might influence your approach.

I don’t know much about Krita, but I do know it’s excellent, although it fills a slightly different role than GIMP does. Even when it’s possible to do everything in one program, it can be valuable to have a basic understanding of several different programs, just so that you have more tools at your disposal. Every so often, you’ll come across a situation where you realize something you’re trying to do in tool A is just easier in tool B.

Because it’s pixel art, you might be completely fine, but it depends on what sort of automated processes are being used (dithering for example) and how the results/settings of those processes differ when used in Krita (if indeed they even exist. But at the pixel-art level, they most likely do). If you’re prepared for the occasional uphill battle in translation from GIMP to Krita, I’m sure you could make it work.

I had a great time so far with GameDev’s game jam, and I see you already succeeded in a game jam yourself - well done! When you’ve done some courses, that’s a great way to see where you’re at and what you’d like to shore up next. Best of luck =)

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Thanks for taking the time to address my concerns. Your comments will definitely help me plot a course forward. Last year’s GameDev jam was the one I did. I’m bummed that the real world got in the way this year. Best of luck to you in the jam.

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