Game Physics Course?

I’m just curious why there isn’t a section for the Game Physics course - that appears to be the only one of Ben’s courses that doesn’t have its own section. I’m registered for that one as well, and while it might take me a while before I can actually do it, I’d love to have a discussion group once I do. :slight_smile:


@ben is it in the pipeline/being considered to add this to the forum?

Just wondering as ive just started it and im really enjoying it, as its a nice refresher for the years I spent doing physics/mechanics in college … many moons ago heh

nice to apply it into an engine too.

I do think that having a section here would increase exposure for something that I think is quite a nice little niche that would definetly help to have a base understanding of whats going on under the hood, especially for the students that are looking towards 3D scenarios.

Ive just started the course myself tonight, but, really enjoying it.

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Hi there, it’s in the forum here: #unity-assets



Sorry Ben, I should have popped the title in my reply, bad choice of wording on my part :frowning:

its your ‘Game Physics’ course the OP was asking if it was getting added to the forum.

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Hi @hypnometal we’re not planning on a section for physics here just now, however you’re welcome to chat in #unity and #lounge. It’s good to have you here.


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