Game Name: The Last Flight

Name of the game:

Yes indeed, “The Last Flight”

Theme and story:

People discovered a new planet, ideal for the future. After having solved the question of how to get there, it was only a matter of time before an expedition unit was composed. Four ships were sent to the planet of Atryx, the planet of their dreams. The expedition in reality however turned after a couple of days into a survival of the fittest as every member of the expedition team started to disappear, one after the other. Just a handful of crew members managed to get back to the ships. Only one could still operate. That ship would be the last vessel to freedom. It meant their last hope and their last flight.

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Interesting idea! I like it! What is killing them one by one?

The planet attracts all kinds of creatures, it surely hasn’t stolen its name…
A visit to the curious world has its price though…
It lets all living things come close only to then draw their power from the vessel which contains their life source…
Sounds mysteriously interesting?
I’m glad!

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