Game licensing for commercial use

hi all,

just a quick question… i wanted to know if it’s worth spending time expanding and polishing the games i make in the course i’m doing (complete c# developer unity 3d by ben tristem & rick davidson) as i would like to know if i’m free to use the games i make as part of the course for commercial use?

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

There shouldn’t be any real copyright issues regarding the game ideas themselves (a lot of them are clones/revisions of existing games that have been around for decades).

You may need to check the licenses for any assets you use though, as I believe some are only provided under an educational license (meaning you’re ok using them for personal projects while studying but you may need to buy the full assets before you release commercially).

Regardless of whether you end up publishing the final product, I’d say that it is always a good idea to try and expand your knowledge of the material being taught. Adding additional content and polish to your games will teach you a lot and at the end you’ll have some very nice portfolio pieces to show potential employers if nothing else.

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thanks for the info! :smiley:

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