Game Jam Review

We had a game jam that lasted 41 hours.

It took me a lot of time to make even the basics.
We are fortunate to have experienced programmers on our team.
That person helped me a lot with my work.
I thanked the person but felt sorry for causing any harm.

I also thought that I might not have the skills to be a game programmer.
If you study consistently, you can become good at game programming, right?

Good job completing a game jam, Its about taking part in the first place. Sometimes you will not get what you visioned, and most of the time you will get people who have spent years in their trade and can help take the heavy load of the team, its just part of the jam scene, most people enter knowing that not all people will be at the level as you are. Honestly if you are going to enter jams its kind of a mindset you need to adopt, you are their for fun and learning and its just an other obstacle you will need to overcome.

As for will you improve ofcourse and doing projects even game jams will help you grow and understand. Its like anything repititions will help improve in the areas you feel weak. Don’t think you did bad because you got help, nobody expects you to be able to code high level in a game jam.That being said 41 hour game jams are tough, and maybe you need to reevalutae your skills at this time and learn more, or go for a longer game jam?

Honestly it’s down to you, but just be honest with yourself and see what you can code and what you can’t.
When im learning I do Game Jam like projects by myself(not including the art) and random a theme and try to come with a prototype and set myself a realistic deadline( say a week) and try to acomplish it when i say try(I will scale back features etc and scale back again, So atleast I have a finished project)

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Thank you for the good article.
I think it was a little comforting.

There was a demand that had been made previously.
If a slightly modified request comes in, it is difficult to turn it into code.

I think it’s because I’m not logical.

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