[Game] Get To Work Text Adventure

Super simple text adventure game made for the course. Likely as a software developer already, I could have made it more complicated/intricate but I kept it simple to keep in line with the course progress. (I am taking the course for game development - not programming)

Game: http://heathermaga.com/GTWv1/
Diagram: https://www.lucidchart.com/invitations/accept/cea02c2f-6425-4719-8daf-d2d7c057cf33
GIT: https://github.com/heathermaga/Get-to-Work-Text-Adventure

Ok, now I must know, what was up with the mysterious hallway door?!

This was a nice little adventure, made me smile. Thanks for sharing!

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Ah it was a mystery - had to leave something for version 2 :smile: Thanks for playing it though! I was wondering if anyone except my daughter had played it haha.

I enjoyed this concept, it seemed quite relaxing and original. Did you put in any fail states or will you always eventually get to work? Maybe you could try implementing a game over screen where if you take too long then you are late to work. Also enjoyed the ASCII art style of the houses.

Hey thanks! I plan on adding a time, but always getting to work. I also have thoughts to add “penalties” in a later version. I got super psyched to moved onto the next sections so I left it as is for now :slight_smile: But I will think about putting in a couple of ways to fail and not get to work. Thanks for the suggestion!

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