Game Crashes when I Spawn From Player Start

Man this is getting so old so fast…If you look at my last several posts you’ll see that I’ve already had to recreate my Tank Pawn BP like 3 times already…I don’t know what got corrupted this time but It seems to be corrupted again…I recreated the Tank Pawn but it’s still crashing because of another corrupt projectile file…

Picture of the Initial Crash

Picture Demonstrating Corrupt files and the Order They Were Recreated To Fix The Corruption…You’ll see the first one doesn’t render the top turret of the tank…

This Crash Is Being Caused from Corruption in the Projectile Crash…This is The Second Time I’ve Had to Completely Redo the Projectile BP due to Corruption…

So Far, I’ve had to Recreate the Tank Blueprint 4x because of Live Coding Corruption and I’ve had to Redo the Projectile Blueprint 2x because of Live Coding Corruption…And I don’t think I’m even but halfway through this entire course.

Alright well Idk what’s going on now…I’ve tried recreating all of these BPs but when I spawn using the new Game Mode and then Fire it seems to be crashing when this line of code executes…


Previously remaking the Projectile BP fixed it for some reason though it’s still doing it now.

Alright I figured it out…So it was the Tank that became corrupted again…but when I recreated it, I forgot to set the Projectile Class under the Tanks Defaults and since we never added a check in there for that it was crashing because the value was Null.

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