[GAME] BrickPong

BrickPong 0.1 Alpha

My latest game BrickPong Behold the love child of Araknoid and Pong, get credits by taking out enemy bricks and upgrade your paddle with paddle size upgrades and Stunpulse (PowerServe and Slow Down Return not working - (You’ll just waste credits by purchasing those upgrades)

Don’t destroy the bricks on your side, those are your lives, if you run out of lives you lose the game.

IMPORTANT TIP: You can add spin to the pong ball by hitting the ball while the paddle is moving, it basically adds the velocity of the paddle to the ball. It is pretty important to add spin to the ball in order to make the pong ball move too fast for the enemy paddle. Otherwise the game might take a long time.

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That’s a neat idea!
Would be great for a two player game as well.

The initial menu is a bit graphical overload compared to the rest of the game. :wink:
I wasn’t very good with the “give the ball some spn”-thing, so the last brick TOOK some time.

Good thing is, that the movement speed of the ball got higher (felt very slow at the beginning).
The music didn’t fit at the beginning (the fast music let the gameplay feel even slower)
Bad thing is, that the high speed ball often missed the collision with the paddle and went right through it.
(However the music felt really right at that time :rofl:)

The extras seemed interesting but unfortunately the menusystem got messed up.
The gamecurser and the mouse didn’t play well together, so i could not get out of the menu

I am looking forward to the next version, since the idea is super interesting.
Well done.

Thank you for taking the time to review the game. Yeah, the menu system was designed for Windows Linux OSX build, but there was an issue with it which caused me to scrap the idea of making it a Windows Linux OSX build. I have lost my programming mojo and I want it back.

Found some Unity Mojo Potions in one of my drawers.
Here, have one:UnityMojoPotion

Now give me an update :stuck_out_tongue:

Holy **** this is powerful stuff!

I’ll use this for my next project.

Fine here it is, but it isn’t because you told me to. It is to impress the many ladies who peruse this site. :stuck_out_tongue:
BrickPong V 0.014

Fine I take it, also: impressing the ladies with mad programming skills is the only reason for all this anyway :sunglasses:

Good news: Skill menu works now!
Bad news: Ball got stuck(!) between the bricks.
No destruction, no nothing. Just sat there :open_mouth:

Also: The Skill menu seems to have some bugs on it.

If you buy a skill and go back, then return to the shop, the purchase is gone - and so are the credits for it.
You can only buy one item at the time, even if you have plenty of credits. Intentional?

At the beginning, the ball is still to slow in my opinion.

If you ever plan to enhance this game later on, i still think it has mad potential for a 2 player game.

Thanks a bunch for the update, keep on hacking!

Okay I have an idea of how to fix the pong ball from getting stuck, I already tried this idea and it didn’t work, but I’m going to try it again. The idea is that I get the collider to bounce as if it hit if a raycast from the ball hits the bricks. This really shouldn’t be happening because there is no space between the brick colliders, there is no reason why the ball gets stuck between two colliders, should bounce off. But I’ll have to figure this out, I’ve done something like this before but this is a little different. I know why it is doing this. There is a double bounce effect, there are two colliders and it is hitting it at an obtuse angle it bounces again to the other collider and ends up going down the middle. I might be able to fix it without raycasting

The ball is too slow at the beginning, I agree with you, I will speed it up by lets say 20%? That should be about right.

Did you figure out how to spin the ball? It takes several hits before the speed really picks up, but it makes the game go by so much faster. To increase the ball velocity, If the ball is going downward towards your paddle, make sure the paddle is moving downward at greater speed when the ball hits, it will pick up some of that velocity to the ball. do it enough times and you can move the ball much faster.

The skill menu is going to give me a headache. It was working before I made it into a webGL and I don’t know where the error is in my code. I have an idea of where it might be actually.

Yes, I did. I think its a nice risc vs. reward feature.
Although i admittedly am really bad at it :slight_smile:

I tried to make spinning the ball easier for you. The game needs work now, it needs some fixing :stuck_out_tongue: The menu system still has issues funny enough those problems didn’t seem to show up on game testing, only after I built it. I was unable to replicate the ball getting stuck between the bricks, I think I sort of fixed it. I was playing other Araknoid games on the this Udemy site and I did not see anyone else having this issue. I think I’m going to post a help thread on the subject if I encounter it again.

I remember I used to spend 9-10 hours a day coding until my neck hurt. I’d like to get back to that. I am still working to get my coding train back on the tracks. Programming was so much more fun before. How can I enjoy coding like I did before? I think the difference is the projects that I worked on before I thought they were cooler, more interesting, more fun, they had some unique draw, something clever that I liked.

If you want me to continue with updates, I need a little help with motivation. I want to know what your vision for this game is, I’ve seen you write about potential for it as a multiplayer game, that intrigues me. How do I make this game more fun? You have any ideas for clever new game mechanics? The only idea I came up with is this zany idea that is really involved where I have announcers like replay events in the game as they are happening in real time. It is a strange idea, the way I envision it it will make the game much more addictive. I think it could work. If I just work up the will to do it.

Making it 2-player would be like a kind of “super-pong-battle-arena” :slight_smile:
Both sides have to protect their bricks while trying to destroy the others ones.
That would be a whole new direction.

However to make your current version instantly more interesting would be to enhance the computer Ai to make it seem a bit more human.
Vary the speed if its movement. Don’t let it move always towards the ball.
Make it seem it watching the ball when it is in the other half to quickly move toward it when it is coming into his own half of the field…
Let it appear to become excited or nervous when the ball gets to a certain amount of speed.
Things like that.

Since your concept limits what the bricks can do to to spice up the game (i.e. no powerups changing the play), beefing up the Ai seems to be a good idea,

Utilizing the big space between the players could be interesting.
A gravity well, influencing the ball?
Sporadic health “bricks” popping up, restoring lost bricks on hit?
Additionally “old-style” powerups floating from top to bottom from time to time?

Also it may be a good idea to give the AI the ability to buy and use powerups as well.

Closing the gap between the players by making the bricks a bit larger can change the whole feel of the game.

Visual presentation can be a thing to spice up the game too.
The pink borders are not particularly inviting.
The bricks are a bit flat looking, as well as the player-paddles.

Adding some more effects maybe.
Some moving pictures related to that:

Hope some if all that sparked your interest :wink:

Hey thanks so much for those videos and your input, I feel so inspired!

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